On-going research projects and funding (Projets de recherche en cours et financement de la recherche)
Etude académique financée par le ministère de la Recherche / Academic research funded by the ANR French ministry of Research and Education, ANR
TOMIS and POMI-AF clinical project funded by the Young researcher grant of French Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR TOMIS-Leukocyte: ANR-CE14-0003-01) and the Leducq Foundation LEAN Network 16CVD01. The project is dedicated to better understand post-operative complications (e.g. myocardial infarction, heart failure and atrial fibrillation) after cardiac surgery, with a specific interest in understanding the impact of surgery time-of the day on outcomes.
Preci-Diab Heart clinical project as part of the National Center for Precision Diabetic Medicine https://www.precidiab.org/ and funded by the French Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR-18-IBHU-0001). The project is dedicated to improve patient phenotyping thanks to new biomarkers and cardiac imaging to tailor personalized cardiac medicine in type 2 diabetic patients.
RIGID-MI project (PI Prof G Lemesle) This clinical project is dedicated to better understand cardiac remodeling and complications (e.g. myocardial infarction, heart failure and atrial fibrillation) after myocardial infarction.
VALVENORD project (PI Prof C Bauters) This clinical project is dedicated to better understand cardiac remodeling and complications (e.g. myocardial infarction, heart failure and atrial fibrillation) in outpatients suffering with aortic valve stenosis (from mild to severe) across the Nord-Pas de Calais. The project is granted by the Fédération Française de Cardiologie.
CALMOS translational project (coll. With J Fauconnier Univ Montpellier) is funded by a grant of French Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR CALMOS: ANR 18-CE17-0003-02). This project is dedicated to better understand the role of cardiac mitochondria in cardiac arrhythmias.
LivImmCar translational project is dedicated to unveil the interaction of non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis (NASH) and its immune alterations with cardiac remodeling in patients suffering from cardiovascular disease. The project is granted by the Fédération Française de Cardiologie and the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale.
Etudes financées par l’industrie / Trial funded by industrial partnership
To assess the safety and performance of the Cephea Mitral Valve and Transseptal Delivery System for the treatment of symptomatic moderate to severe degenerative or functional mitral regurgitation in patients who are poor candidates for surgery.
A prospective, single arm clinical investigation evaluating safety and performance of the Colibri Transcatheter Aortic Heart Valve System for the treatment of symptomatic severe aortic stenosis via transfemoral access in high surgical risk patients.
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement With the Medtronic Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement System In Patients at Low Risk for Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement.
The purpose of this expanded clinical study is to evaluate the performance and safety of the Tendyne Mitral Valve System in the treatment of severe mitral regurgitation in patents with functional disability greater than or equal to NYHA Class II, who are not suitable candidates for surgical replacement with otherwise available devices.
The Tendyne RESOLVE-MR study (Real World Study of the Tendyne™ Mitral Valve System to Treat Mitral Regurgitation) is a prospective, single arm, multi-center, study, which will be used to support the CE Mark requirement of monitoring safety and performance for any complications or issues arising in a post-market setting.
« Randomized researcH in womEn all comers wIth Aortic stenosis » A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled, Multi-Center Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation in Female Patients who have Severe Symptomatic Aortic Stenosis Requiring Aortic Valve Replacement.
Evaluation of the Safety and Performance of The Medtronic Intrepid™ Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement System inHigh Risk Patients with Severe, Symptomatic Mitral Regurgitation.
Etudes financées par la recherche de soins DGOS / Academic research funded by the French ministry of Health, PHRC
Multicentric randomized evaluation of tricuspid valve percutaneous repair system (clip for the tricuspid valve) in the treatment of severe secondary tricuspid disorders.
« Randomized comparison of Early mitral ValvE Repair versus watchful waiting for asymptomatic SEvere degenerative Mitral Regurgitation due to leaflet prolapse »